sobota 26. novembra 2011

Winter collab

I love Collegium musicum. It is the one absolutely amazing and perfect music. It is music of my childhood. And this is my the most beaufiful advent song...

Milujem Collegium musicum. Je to pre mňa absolútne zázračná, dokonalá hudba. Je to hudba mojho detstva. A toto je moja najobľubenejšia adventná pesnička.

And there is my LO from collab "Winter"  by mwsdesign designers.
Collab "Winter (Zima in slovak language)

Enjoy :) 

piatok 25. novembra 2011

Fairy Christmas by Chaana scrap

So, there is a new adorable kit by Hanka aka Chaana scrap - Fairy Christmas. Kit is beautiful, elements are so cute and work with this kit? Very very good...simple... :)
And here it is:

A je tu nový krísny kit od Hanky alias Chaana scrap - Fairy Christmas. Kit je krásny, pracuje sa s ním veľmi dobre. Ide to temer samo..:)
A tu ho máme:

Fairy Christmas, you can buy here 
with purchase of this kit you automatically have 50% discount of the prize - calendars for year 2012
all calendars you can find here

And my LO:

streda 23. novembra 2011

something blue... niečo modré...

Time for relax? 
What do you need? Fingers, laptop or some kind of computer, graphical program such as GIMP or Photoshop or something else. We have one condition - it must be program which worked with layers.
Do you have all on list?
So, open a FF Gchrome and write: They have a lot of stuff :)
Now you mix in right ratio those kits: Willy design "Prosinec", "Mini pink by Muffi", and Love is blue by Muffi and you have for example this:

Čas na odpočinok?
Čo k tomu potrebujete? Prsty, notebook alebo proste počítač, grafický program, ako je GIMP alebo Photoshop... . Máme jednu podmienku - program musí vedieť pracovať s vrstvami.
Tak.. máte všetko na zozname?

Takže, otvorte FF,  Gchrome proste nejaký prehliadač a píšte: 
Je tam spústa skvelých vecí.
Teraz stačí v správnom pomere namixovať vybrané - v mojom prípade sú to tieto kity: Willy design "Prosinec", "Mini pink od Muffia "Love is blue" od Muffi a máte napríklad toto:

Moje LO

Have fun :)

pondelok 21. novembra 2011

Do you want wishes for New year?

So, I have for you one beautiful kit. It is kit "New year" by Willy design on mwsdesign
buy here 

And here is my LO:

štvrtok 17. novembra 2011

Xmass time...

Here is a lovely kit "Prosinec" by Willy design. Available at mwsdesign.

Prosinec (December fr english speaking :) )
by Willy design, you can buy here

My LO:

design by Muffi

At this store  you can find also amazing pure and so cute kits or templates for digiscrapbooking. Let me introduce some:

great templates by Muffi

Love is blue by Muffi
My LO:

kit Love is blue:

kit Belloved

Calendars 2012

If you looking for some versatile elements for your calendar creation, or xmass cards and wishes I have for you some hints.
You can fing cute elements at kits at mwsdesign

and wonderful autumn element in kit Listopad (November) for english speaking :)

element for Halloween on this versatile kit

summer elements in kit Indian summer by Willy design

autumn elements by Willy design

summer elements in kit Garden by Willy design

There is some my LO from those kits:

garden by Willy design 

Indian summer by Willy design

Indian summer by Willy design

Halloween by Willy design

Halloween by Willy design

Halloween by Willy design

Garden by Willy design

streda 16. novembra 2011

Vítam Vás...

A tak som sa rozhodla vyrobiť si nový blog.
Blog, kde hlavnou náplňou bude digiscrapbook a nie moje občasné siahodlhé blákoty.
Teda ak sa udržím, čo zase nemôžem svätosvete sľúbiť.
Takže príjemné pozeranie prajem... 

(Na všetky publikované obrázky sa vzťahuje autorské právo, a tiež pravidlá publikovania dané konkrétnym designérom použitého kitu. Nepovoľujem ďaľšie publikovanie obrázkov bez mojho vedomia. Prosím o rešpektovanie. )
